Previous How often do you experience hot flashes or night sweats? Never Occasionally Frequently Almost always None Have you noticed any changes in your menstrual cycle? No changes Some changes Significant changes Periods have stopped None How would you describe your sleep quality lately? Excellent Good Fair Poor None Have you experienced vaginal dryness recently? Never Occasionally Frequently Almost always None Have you noticed a decrease in your sexual desire? No Slightly Moderately Significantly None How often do you experience mood swings? Never Occasionally Frequently Almost always None How often do you feel sad or find yourself tearful? Never Occasionally Frequently Almost always None Do you find yourself feeling irritable more often than usual? Never Occasionally Frequently Almost always None How often do you feel fatigued or lacking energy? Never Occasionally Frequently Almost always None Have you lost interest in activities you used to enjoy? No Slightly Moderately Significantly None 1 out of 2 Name Email Phone Previous33 %Start QuizNext Time's up