How often do you experience hot flashes? Rarely (Once or Twice in a day) Occasionally (3 to 4 times) Frequently Almost all the time None When you have a hot flash, how does it affect your mood? No effect Slight irritation Noticeable anger or frustration Extreme anger or mood swings None How would you describe your overall mood during menopause? Calm and stable Slightly more irritable than usual Frequently irritable or angry Very angry and easily frustrated None Do you find yourself getting angry over things that normally would not bother you? Never Rarely (once or twice in a day) Sometimes Often None How do you manage your hot flashes? No management needed Basic methods like staying cool and relaxed Regular use of specific techniques (e.g., meditation, deep breathing) Struggling to manage them effectively None Have you noticed a change in your relationships due to your mood changes? No change Minor changes, but manageable Noticeable strain on relationships Significant negative impact on relationships None How well do you sleep at night? Very well, no issues Occasionally disturbed, but manageable Frequently disturbed, affecting my mood Poor sleep, significantly affecting my mood None 1 out of 2 Time's up